Ashita v3
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Whats new in Ashita v3?

Core Changes

Full Rewrite

Some of the core changes to Ashita caused some major parts of things to be overhauled. Because of this, it was in the projects interest to really give the core a full refresh. Ashita v3 has been recoded from the ground up to optimize key parts of its core as well as further expand its plugin system.

Better Plugin Callbacks

Plugin callbacks for key features such as packets and commands now include more indepth arguments. Developers now have access to the original data and modified data if a previous addon/plugin has modified it. Developers can also now see blocked data from previous addons/plugins allowing all modifications to handle data as needed!

Modern Code

Ashita v3 has been revamped to make use of newer C++ language features and data types. The entire ADK has been rewritten making use a C int types making the code easier to read and for non-Windows developers to better understand what data types mean what. Internally, Ashita v3 is now making use of more C++11/C++14 features for more stable and optimized code.

Lua Addons Enhanced!

The Final Fantasy XI thirdparty community has really embraced Lua and done some amazing things over the last few years. Ashita pioneered that back in Ashita v1 with our original LuaCast plugin. Today our Addon system has come far from what it was before to give users nearly full control of the game through the power of Lua scripting.

Various parts of the addon system have been revamped and optimized to help developers quickly and easily create anything their heart desires!

In-Game Gui System

Ashita originally included AnTweakBar as its internal UI system allowing developers to create in-game systems for their addons and plugins, however it was faily limited to what could be done. Towards the end of Ashita v2's lifespan, ImGui was introduced and shown off in a few addons and plugins.

Ashita v3 has removed AnTweakBar fully and embraced ImGui to its full extent. Developers can create fully feature-rich UI systems in a breeze.

Common Font Coloring

Developers can now colorize their text objects rendered through Ashita using a common coloring format widely used in other games such as World of Warcraft. Rather than the old clunky color codes, Ashita v3 now uses the same formats as other popular triple-A titles use.

For example, to render some text in blue:
|cFF0000FF|This is some blue text!|r

Improved Logging

Ashita has always included an internal logging system to allow the Ashita developers better diagnose issues when they arise. However, this system was never exposed and able to be used by our addon/plugin developers. Our new revamped logging system is now fully exposed to our developers allowing them to write to the main Ashita log files helping them better debug and fix issues with their tools.

Exciting New Plugins


A much requested plugin, Ashita v3 now includes an in-game map plugin called Minimap. Minimap is able to load the games internal map files as well as use overrides from a custom map pack using gif images. Minimap is also fully customizable and relies on internal game data rather than a map.ini file making it robust and easy to use! More info here.


Dats is a plugin for Ashita v3 that allows users to easily DAT swap files without ever overwriting the original game content. More info here.


Record your gameplay with ease using the all new DashCam plugin! More info here.

Core Developers

  • atom0s
  • RZN

Core Contributions

  • Lolwutt

Addon / Plugin Developers

  • atom0s, h1pp0, Hypnotoad
  • Lolwutt, MalRD, matix
  • RZN, Vicrelant, Apogee
  • bluekirby0, Julian, Nospheratu
  • Praenuntiae, Venrell, Xenonsmurf

Third Party Thanks

  • Microsoft Detours
  • TinyXML2, Nlohmann JSON
  • Lua / Luabind
  • ImGui
  • Patrick Wyatt (List Implementation)
  • Galasoft.MvvmLight, Xceed WPF Toolkit
  • Newtonsoft.Json

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